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4. Area with similar hills to the Scottish Highlands

7. The outside of the Pacific plate where volcanoes and earthquakes frequently occur

8. A type of boundary forming valleys, ridges and trenches

9. The geologist who first proposed the idea of continental drift

10. The geologist who proposed the idea of thermal convection being responsible for the movement of plates

12. The largest earthquake ever recorded

13. The tectonic plate at the center of Pangea


1. A type of boundary causing shear stress

2. The tectonic plate covering around 1/3 of the Earth's surface

3. The theory suggesting that the Earth's shell is a rocky and thin crust divided into sections

5. The name of the supercontinent that covered the earth 200 million years ago

11. The deepest area of Earth

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By: Erin Bennett-Rilling

Course: SES 4U1

Date: 17/12/15

Teacher: Mr.Foster

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